Vertical garden and planks 2


Platform:3dsMax 2014 + fbx
Size:73 MB
Materials:Wood, Organics

Vertical garden and planks 2.

Decoration of a wall, opening or partition in the form of moss and wooden battens. It can be used both in residential and in public premises, such as a restaurant, cafe or bar. Suitable for interiors in a modern style and for interiors in a loft style.

Dimensions: 2000x2450x350mm

Polys: 226112
Verts: 243,887

-max 2014 corona
-max 2014 vray
-fbx corona
-fbx vray

The model is designed for smoothing, so you can control the density of the grid for a particular frame. The anti-aliasing modifier is enabled (display in the viewport – 0 iterations, on the render 1 iteration).