Decorative wall panels with fireplace | 02
– The model consists of marble panels with a cabinet with a built-in bio-fireplace and brass curved elements.
– Automatic biofireplace Biograte SmartFire L 1200 |
WхHхD (mm): 1190×140х280
– The flame is configured using Corona Light Material for the correct display on the render, you need to add 2 Corona Light light sources (settings for each on the last preview)
– Cabinet with a fireplace | WхHхD (mm): 3000×350х550
– Marble panels | WхHхD (mm): 2200×3500х15
– Brass curved elements | WхHхD (mm): 3050×3500х910
– General dimensions of the entire composition | WхHхD (mm): 5250×3500х910
The panels can be used for both residential and public spaces, the model is easily edited.
Suitable for use in the interior in styles: modern, minimalism, neoclassical and other stylistic trends.
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